Sunday, October 18, 2009


1 comment:

  1. How is it that a so-called "nuclear power" has nearly become overrun by an insurgency that was supposedly "on its heels" and "hiding out in caves? An insurgency whose high tech weapons include rifles, grenade launchers, suicide bombers, and the internet?

    Pakistan has been plagued by violence since the start of the Afghan War in 2002, and has succeeded only in galvenizing support for the Taliban by killing tribal civilians in remote areas, and failing to maintain law and order within its own borders, despite recieving billions of dollars in military aid from the US every year since the start of the war.

    The Taliban have been allowed to operate with impunity in the area known as Waziristan which is almost exactly the same size as the Island of Jamaica, while Afghanistan is the size of Texas. Yet the enemy remains elusive.

    Waziristan in principle is similar to Al-Qeda's pre 9-11 base in Afghanistan, and has allowed the Taliban a strategic stronghold giving them initiative and momentum in this war. Some of their achievments include the following operational tendencies:

    1. The ability to recruit and train fighters from all over the world for militant operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kashmir, Pakistan, and many NATO countries including the US.

    2. Plan and execute military operations without fear of US military intervention with the exception of targeted drone assissinations, intel gathering and snatch and grab operations... ALL PROVING INEFFECTIVE;

    3. Attack the infrustructure of the Pakistani government AT WILL AND WHERE IT CHOOSES including: police stations, army barracks, army training facilities, US arms/logistic depots, military outposts, United Nations facilities, political assinations and soft target terrorist attacks on civilians;

    4. The exploitation of rat lines through which smugglers export drugs(75% of the worlds Heroin supply), and import arms, equipment, cash, and foriegn militants who flock to Pakistan and fight on both sides of the border;

    5. The Pakistani government, while insisting on its determination to rid its country of the insurgents has attempted to broker peace with them even while the stated goals of the insurgents are to REMOVE ALL GOVERNMENTS IN THE REGION ALLIED WITH THE US, INCLUDING THE GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN, AFGHANISTAN, and IRAQ, remaking the face of the region and ultimately obtaining nuclear capabilities.

    The truth is that the Taliban have never been on their heels in Pakistan, and have operated with impunity, without reservation since the US turned its attention to Iraq. The Iraq war itself resulted in an insurgency which successfully recruited and trained more "terrorists" than all world wide "terrorists" groups put together since WWII, including those trained by the CIA in its multiple "dirty wars".

    Targeted killings of Taliban and Al Qeada leaders results not in the dissolution of the movement but the creation of martyrs which inspire their followers to fight with more fervent determination, yet having far less political acumen, experience, or reservations about killing civilians.

    The middle east has a long memory and the death of one martyr leads only to the bith of 100 more ready to die for what they believe is a just cause: REMOVING THE US FROM THE MUSLIM LANDS.

    The ultimate glory to a Jihadist is to die fighting the other words they wake up each morning hoping to die fighting against the "unbelievers" and their agents or "dupes". The irony is that they have killed far more ordinary muslims than "unbelievers" it possible they are using the same justification as the US uses when it bombs innocents: COLLATERAL DAMAGE???

    I've read the Qur'an multiple times and nowhere have I found any justification for COLLATERAL DAMAGE, or A MEANS TO AN END rationale for committing genocide.
    Weapons do not end wars, mutual respect for human life is the only measure by which we can judge success. So far however the body count on all sides is only getting higher.
